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Nature Hikes

The nature-hike programs are arranged by themes. The natural settings for each program is thoughtfully selected to highlight the main points of the program’s topic. Incorporated in each nature hike are age-appropriate hand-on activities.
Registration can be done to each program individually or to the entire theme series. Program adjustments can be done according to the teacher or group leader’s specifications.



ProgramSalt Marsh Wetlands
Location: Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge (Fremont)
Description: A walk through the salt marsh, highlighting its special features that make it a unique habitat.


Program: Riparian – The Creek Bank
Location: Dry Creek Regional Park (Union City)
Description: A walk along Dry Creek, observing the vegetation and animal life.


Program: Chaparral – In the Thicket
Location: Las Trampas Regional Wilderness (Castro Valley)
Description: A walk up Bollinger Ridge, recognizing common chaparral plants and observing animals within the chaparral.


ProgramThe Forest
Location: Redwood Regional Park (Oakland)
Description: A walk in the redwood forest, learning about the big trees and their lifecycle, and about other plants and animals who live in their shade.

Flora: Plants of the Bay Area


ProgramBaby Talk (Available May through November)
Location: Anthony Chabot Regional Park (Castro Valley)/Edgewood Park (Redwood City)
Description: A nature hike focusing on seeds, seed dispersal and germination.


ProgramStrong and Soft (Available year round)
Location: Anthony Chabot Regional Park (Castro Valley)/Edgewood Park (Redwood City)
Description: A nature hike focusing woody vs. weedy plants, stem functions and mechanics.


ProgramStrong and Soft (Available March through September)
Location: Anthony Chabot Regional Park (Castro Valley)/Edgewood Park (Redwood City)
Description: A nature hike focusing on wildflowers, flower pigmentation and pollination mechanisms.


ProgramLight Energy (Available year round)
Location: Anthony Chabot Regional Park (Castro Valley)/Edgewood Park (Redwood City)
Description: A nature hike focusing on leaves, leaf structure and photosynthesis.

Upcoming Trips


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