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Nature Exploration Camping Trips

East Bay LORe offers special opportunities to explore certain areas in California on 3 or 4 days long field trips, combining camping, hiking and directed nature exploration activities.

Upcoming Trips



Outing price is $60 per person, up to a maximum of $180 per family. This price covers campsite costs and East Bay LORe's guidance only. 

Transportation to and from the outing location is independent. Camping gear must be provided by participants.

Meeting of Worlds: Morro Bay 

Date and Time: Friday, April 15 at 12am and ending on Sunday, April 17, at 5pm.


Description: Morro Bay is one of the best places in California to experience the meeting of Land and Ocean worlds. Within short travel distance there is widely diverse geography featuring hills and cliffs, salt marsh estuaries, open ocean and enclosed bay. With its rich with diverse wildlife and plant communities, an excessive system of hiking trails and coastal access points, and mild weather year-round, Morro Bay makes a perfect destination for a springtime East Bay LORe California Nature Experience outing. This outing features daily hikes and coastal exploration, two nights of tent camping, and engaging activities for children.



Pre-camp meeting: Wednesday, April 6, 5:00 pm


What to bring: Complete camping gear

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